Week Four
Please go out and find a stone that appeals to you on some level. It can be beautiful or ugly. It shouldn’t be a pebble, nor should it be a boulder. Find a stone with some weight to it. It should be small enough to carry in the palm of your hand and large enough that you won’t lose it. Note in your journal exactly where you found the stone and what it was about the stone that appealed to you.
Ritual: Carrying the Stone
1. You will need your palm-size stone.
2. Make a list of the people you need to forgive in your life.
3. For the space of one morning (approximately six hours) hold the stone (as a representation of one of the things on your list that you are holding on to that is not serving you) in your non-dominant hand. Do not set the stone down for any reason during this period.
3. At the end of six hours, proceed to the journal exercise.
Journal Exercise
1. What did you notice about carrying the stone?
2. When did you notice it the most?
3. Did it hinder any of your activities?
4. Was it ever useful?
5. In what ways was carrying the stone like carrying an unforgiven hurt?
Please go out and find a stone that appeals to you on some level. It can be beautiful or ugly. It shouldn’t be a pebble, nor should it be a boulder. Find a stone with some weight to it. It should be small enough to carry in the palm of your hand and large enough that you won’t lose it. Note in your journal exactly where you found the stone and what it was about the stone that appealed to you.
Ritual: Carrying the Stone
1. You will need your palm-size stone.
2. Make a list of the people you need to forgive in your life.
3. For the space of one morning (approximately six hours) hold the stone (as a representation of one of the things on your list that you are holding on to that is not serving you) in your non-dominant hand. Do not set the stone down for any reason during this period.
3. At the end of six hours, proceed to the journal exercise.
Journal Exercise
1. What did you notice about carrying the stone?
2. When did you notice it the most?
3. Did it hinder any of your activities?
4. Was it ever useful?
5. In what ways was carrying the stone like carrying an unforgiven hurt?