Whether you are seeking a shift in your daily habits or a full body and spirit transformation, this program will give you the foundation and daily inspiration to support the healthy living you are seeking.
- 40 DAYS PACKET – A clear and essential document to guide you on your journey with useful references and progress tracking charts.
- DAILY INSPIRATION – You will be given a clear focus to support you each day, along with a journaling prompt.
- YOGA ASANA PRACTICES – You will have access to 250+ 10-90 minute asana recordings for you to choose from on your journey.
- MEDITATION – You will be given guided meditation recordings (5, 10,15, 20, 25, 30 minutes for each week).
- MINDFUL EATING – Guidance in paying attention to the kinds of foods that you put in your body every day for the 40 days. The 40 days does include 3 days of gentle detoxification during week 4!
What participants discovered:
MOVEMENT/ASANA: I can feel the benefit of using breath and movement together, I have learned to make it MY practice by listening to my body and understanding what I need in a given moment instead of having to be 100% all of the time.
MEDITATION: I GET IT now! I feel the benefit, and have improved my ability to sit still and BE WHERE I AM, both on and off the mat. I sort of feel unprepared when I don't start my day with at least a few minutes of meditation and centering.
INQUIRY - By taking a look at how much I allow others to dictate what is important to/for ME, I am better at communicating when and why I am taking time for me, for my practice, for my health.I can see more how I can affect others in a positive way when I take care of myself.