Hey Momma!!!
I'm Brittany and I'm so happy you're here! I became a mom in the spring of 2018! If life wasn't already wild before, it sure is now!!! I love being a mom AND in my experience it has been the most insane job I've had to date. :)
If it weren't for the practices and techniques of Baptiste Yoga, asana (physical poses), meditation (sitting in stillness/quieting the mind), inquiry (journaling/exploring my internal world), I think I would be curled in the fetal position on my bathroom floor 10 times more often. ;)
I hope you enjoy the meditation and asana practices on this page to support your life as a badass momma! Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions at all.
I'm Brittany and I'm so happy you're here! I became a mom in the spring of 2018! If life wasn't already wild before, it sure is now!!! I love being a mom AND in my experience it has been the most insane job I've had to date. :)
If it weren't for the practices and techniques of Baptiste Yoga, asana (physical poses), meditation (sitting in stillness/quieting the mind), inquiry (journaling/exploring my internal world), I think I would be curled in the fetal position on my bathroom floor 10 times more often. ;)
I hope you enjoy the meditation and asana practices on this page to support your life as a badass momma! Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions at all.
If you practiced yoga asana before baby, please note that your practice is not going to look the same....ON ALL OF THE LEVELS. ;P
Enjoy some of the images from when my friends and I (at Container Collective Yoga). The invitation is to truly go with the flow as you give yourself this gift of self care.
Adapt and move and nurse as needed! Maybe even use baby as added weight or an opportunity to make eye contact or make silly noises. :)
Enjoy some of the images from when my friends and I (at Container Collective Yoga). The invitation is to truly go with the flow as you give yourself this gift of self care.
Adapt and move and nurse as needed! Maybe even use baby as added weight or an opportunity to make eye contact or make silly noises. :)
You will never be able to completely stop your thinking, but you can practice increasing the space between your thoughts. You can sit in a chair with a pillow behind your back (to support your spine straight up and down), with your feet flat on the floor. Or sit cross legged with your hips up above your knees and feet with your cross legged or kneeling on a large cushion.
If you have a yoga mat: great, and you don't even need one.
If you have a yoga block/strap: great, and you don't need them either.
Don't wait another minute to give yourself the gift of intentional movement. There is no right moment, or way, to do these practices. I take that back...the "right" way is to simply push play and take action. You may only get 2 minutes in before your little one needs your attention, and that is perfectly okay! At least you got 2 minutes for yourself.
Something is definitely better than nothing.
I write this from the very personal experience of just this morning at 6:25am, I sat down to mediate (and was so proud of myself!), and literally 2 minutes into the meditation Isaac woke up and was ready to play! But 2 minutes of meditation was so much better than no meditation on this day. :)
The point is... you gotta start somewhere in order to get to where you want to be, as a moment to moment experience!
If you have a yoga block/strap: great, and you don't need them either.
Don't wait another minute to give yourself the gift of intentional movement. There is no right moment, or way, to do these practices. I take that back...the "right" way is to simply push play and take action. You may only get 2 minutes in before your little one needs your attention, and that is perfectly okay! At least you got 2 minutes for yourself.
Something is definitely better than nothing.
I write this from the very personal experience of just this morning at 6:25am, I sat down to mediate (and was so proud of myself!), and literally 2 minutes into the meditation Isaac woke up and was ready to play! But 2 minutes of meditation was so much better than no meditation on this day. :)
The point is... you gotta start somewhere in order to get to where you want to be, as a moment to moment experience!
Morning Asana/Movement Practice
This practice is intended to support you in waking up all the parts of your body: your heart, lungs, arms, legs, core, back, as well give them a stretch!
The opposite of nursing...a.k.a. "heart opening"/chest stretching flow
As moms we spend so much time rounded over kiddos: playing, nursing, cuddling! Those are all wonderful things...AND...for our own hormonal balance we need to spend intentional time everyday creating, what we call in Baptiste Yoga, the "Yes" body. We do it in every pose in the Baptiste Yoga Journey into Power sequence when the teacher speaks to pulling the shoulders straight back and press the shoulder blades into the body to expand the chest. The 30 minute practice below takes that practice to the next level with even more chest expanding.
Twisting is good for detoxing physical and emotional debris
As with any of these videos, my invitation for you is to just push play! Get 2 minutes, 5, 10, or 15 minutes into the practice and I will call it a success!!!
Evening Cool Down Practice
This practice is gentle and restorative. It starts with some gentle breath work followed by some gentle stretches for the hips and hamstrings. Give yourself the gift of release!
Yoga Nidra
Decompress, and find relief from stress.
As a momma, you can do this during your baby's longest nap of the day. Even if you only get part way through this practice you will finish feeling more rested that you would had you taken an hour long nap.
Yoga Nidra put simply is yogic sleep. You won't be sleeping, but lead into a state of consciousness just shy of sleep for extreme relaxation and a subtle spiritual exploration. Research shows that 1 hour of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent of 3 hours of deep sleep!
Set yourself up in the most supported savasana/laying down position with pillows under your knees, a support under your neck, something to cover your eyes with, a blanket over the top of you should you feel cold.
As a momma, you can do this during your baby's longest nap of the day. Even if you only get part way through this practice you will finish feeling more rested that you would had you taken an hour long nap.
Yoga Nidra put simply is yogic sleep. You won't be sleeping, but lead into a state of consciousness just shy of sleep for extreme relaxation and a subtle spiritual exploration. Research shows that 1 hour of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent of 3 hours of deep sleep!
Set yourself up in the most supported savasana/laying down position with pillows under your knees, a support under your neck, something to cover your eyes with, a blanket over the top of you should you feel cold.